Enjoy the road you’re travelling...

"So you're going to go through with it, then."
"I am, I've been planning this for a long time. It'll give me something to talk about for the next nine days - or ninety-nine, more likely. Anyway, at least I'll have my race."
That was the first entry on this blog. It lasted much more than ninety-nine days, and I’ve been lucky enough to have more than one race. Beginning on a cold Friday in November, 2006, the printed tales of this runner have been at times harsh, quite often enjoyable, but always provided me with growth and opportunity.
Scanning the last five years, I’m amazed at the running I’ve accomplished (let alone the life I’ve managed to squeeze in):

As I trained with my first coach for what would stand today as my fastest marathon (CIM ’06 2:40:19), I was fortunate to share many an experience with equally lasting friends (Carter – 22nd Annual Harriers Gunner Shaw). Running the CIM, was also where I would meet fellow blogger Mike, a.k.a. “Running with Lydiard”.

During a year where I broke my arm while downhill-mountain biking on my stag, was married, found out we were pregnant, and bought our first house, I’m surprised I did any running at all. On the contrary, Seamus, Carter and I set out to travel “Three Roads to London”. My race (3:14:11) was disappointing but the experience something I still talk about today. From the redemption of another marathon only weeks later, to the running of the bulls, or a half marathon PB (1:15:29) the year was something to remember.
If for a second I thought ’07 was busy, the fiddle tune only quickened in ’08. That spring I was running well and although I cancelled an early-season marathon (Ally was on bed rest), I was able to benefit from my fitness and posted a 5k and 8k PB, 16:51 and 27:28 respectively. Sadly, later that spring saw the passing on Ally’s mum but with the angels looking over us, our daughter was brought into the world less than 24h-hours later. I don’t know how I did it, but mere weeks later I ran the Ottawa Marathon (2:53:05) setting myself up for my inaugural run at Boston. That fall also saw me run my first ever x-country race; on a cold day my achilles still hurts.
What more can I say, Boston hurt... a lot! But, all the pain and suffering is a distant memory and the race afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the blogospheres epic writers/runners: Thomas, Mike and Mark, a.k.a. Diary of a Rubbish Marathon Runner, Love 2 Run, and Run Faster Master. Thanks guys!
And so I find myself sitting here today, reflecting on paths travelled and the adventures that lay in front of me. With Isla growing, and Ally expected to give birth in a few short months I couldn’t be more excited. This is also a year, where I hope to take down my 5k PB and if the Gods align perhaps toe the line for a triathlon (my first in 11 years). But on a sad note, it will also see the end of this blog (at least in this format). Thanks for the endless comments, support, encouragement and friendship.
That was the first entry on this blog. It lasted much more than ninety-nine days, and I’ve been lucky enough to have more than one race. Beginning on a cold Friday in November, 2006, the printed tales of this runner have been at times harsh, quite often enjoyable, but always provided me with growth and opportunity.
Scanning the last five years, I’m amazed at the running I’ve accomplished (let alone the life I’ve managed to squeeze in):

As I trained with my first coach for what would stand today as my fastest marathon (CIM ’06 2:40:19), I was fortunate to share many an experience with equally lasting friends (Carter – 22nd Annual Harriers Gunner Shaw). Running the CIM, was also where I would meet fellow blogger Mike, a.k.a. “Running with Lydiard”.

During a year where I broke my arm while downhill-mountain biking on my stag, was married, found out we were pregnant, and bought our first house, I’m surprised I did any running at all. On the contrary, Seamus, Carter and I set out to travel “Three Roads to London”. My race (3:14:11) was disappointing but the experience something I still talk about today. From the redemption of another marathon only weeks later, to the running of the bulls, or a half marathon PB (1:15:29) the year was something to remember.

If for a second I thought ’07 was busy, the fiddle tune only quickened in ’08. That spring I was running well and although I cancelled an early-season marathon (Ally was on bed rest), I was able to benefit from my fitness and posted a 5k and 8k PB, 16:51 and 27:28 respectively. Sadly, later that spring saw the passing on Ally’s mum but with the angels looking over us, our daughter was brought into the world less than 24h-hours later. I don’t know how I did it, but mere weeks later I ran the Ottawa Marathon (2:53:05) setting myself up for my inaugural run at Boston. That fall also saw me run my first ever x-country race; on a cold day my achilles still hurts.

What more can I say, Boston hurt... a lot! But, all the pain and suffering is a distant memory and the race afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the blogospheres epic writers/runners: Thomas, Mike and Mark, a.k.a. Diary of a Rubbish Marathon Runner, Love 2 Run, and Run Faster Master. Thanks guys!
And so I find myself sitting here today, reflecting on paths travelled and the adventures that lay in front of me. With Isla growing, and Ally expected to give birth in a few short months I couldn’t be more excited. This is also a year, where I hope to take down my 5k PB and if the Gods align perhaps toe the line for a triathlon (my first in 11 years). But on a sad note, it will also see the end of this blog (at least in this format). Thanks for the endless comments, support, encouragement and friendship.
Borrowing some words, “Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself. Stretch. Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young”.
I have enjoyed your writings Mike and will be sad to see the blog go, but I am happy for you and your family:) I hope you get that pb:) Maybe I'll see you on the track this summer!!!
Yeah, May 1st through to August 21st - I shamelessly plug: The Q's Victoria Track Series www.victoriatrackseries.ca.
Get a blog like mine.
Ok I am joking. Nobody in their right mind would do that. I'm starting to get embarrassed about it, just now.
It's been fun while it lasted, Michael. I'm glad we met, and all the best, especially in regards to the ever growing family.
Hi Mike,
We've met although you probably couldn't pick me out of a crowd. I am one of Hicham's runners and have followed your blog since the road to London. I have enjoyed it and will definitely miss my weekly fix.
Best of luck.
Gonna miss you (here), buddy, and couldn't be happier that I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to continue following your words (and your upturned heels) in another format, the local roads and trails we both love so much.
Carter (the guy, based on that photo, whose smile appears to be constantly threatening to take over the rest of his face)
You have by far one of the finer running blogs out there. Maybe re-consider doing a sporadic update just to tease us along?
Your friend,
I enjoyed following your blog. Hopefully you can drop in every now and then to give an update. Best of luck with the family and running.
Enjoy the journey, that's the best part. Hope that our paths may cross again, maybe when I do Victoria some day.
All the best Michael, i've enjoyed your company these last few years, shring your ups and downs. You'll have to let us know how your return to triathlon goes.
Good luck to you, Sir.
Good luck on the family front!
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