Sunday, January 4

A Drab Day

Yesterday was to be our last workout at Beacon Hill Park, at least for a bit. It was while cooling down and looking out across the windswept Straits that I told myself I was due for a good weekend of training. I’d just completed a solid workout, perhaps my best this training cycle, and with the snow melting and me feeling chuffed I was on top of the world.

Fast-forward 24 hours and I was standing at the top of Mount Tolmie, looking out across the same Straits as yesterday but rather than feeling good about my performance, I was feeling desperate. Thin came to mind. The clouds were unusually dark, so much so that when I left the house at 9:00 a.m. I would’ve sworn it was closer to 5:00 p.m. Still, 90’ later with all the colour for the day was muted, I was panting and feeling sorry for myself. My left achilles has been sore for the last few weeks and today was no different. I imagine a lot of it has to do with me not stretching but the snow and ice certainly hasn’t helped. As I looked out across Victoria on a dreary colourless day I swore to myself that I Would stretch more, that and eat more iron.

As for the week, it wasn’t all that bad. Jon and I had a chat after the w/o on Saturday and with me feeling far from race ready I won’t be participating in first Island Series race next weekend (likely Cobble Hill in the three weeks).

Before she buggers off, I need to wish Marilyn all the best of luck as she’s racing in Edinburgh and then Seville in the next ten days. Have fun and enjoy the experience (I want to hear all about it when you return)!

Friday: easy 44:24
Saturday: 1:32:50 with 9x3’ 10kE (1.5’)
Sunday: more difficult than it should have been 1:52:11

Weekly mileage: 7h47’41”, +/- 109-k or 68 miles

[photo taken from the top of Mount Tolmie looking south toward the Olympic Mountains]


MB said...

I am interested in your thoughts on increasing your iron intake as for how and what reason. thanks-Mark

Michael said...

A few years ago I had a problem with a very low iron levels. At times, when the training is heavy and my diet not great, I can dig myself a hole that is difficult to climb out from. The answer, iron pills, not the best solution but it helps.