Tuesday, January 8

A return to the track

Twilight was fading fast as I made my way to the track, but turning left onto Goldsmith St. brought back encouraging memories; the sight of the large silhouetted tree within the infield comforting, like a familiar friend. Additionally, although dark, windy and distressingly cold the rain was holding off.

Hicham arrived shortly after I got there and we proceeded to warm-up discussing the day’s events. Ally and I had a scheduled trip to the doctor where I was informed, and I quote, “the sooner you realize that everything you do during the next three months will be wrong, the easier your life will be”. I love the frankness of our doctor. We also discussed something I brought up on Sunday, that of the approaching Island Race Series and how to go about fostering a sense of competition amongst the local clubs. Now I realize I risk coming across as a hypocrite given that I have been a member of the incredibly supportive club that I was previously analyzing, that said, where is the contest when the margin for the winning club is almost threefold of its nearest rival? Hearing stories from friends who have lived in England and report tales of club rivalry akin to the fiercest political contests perhaps, I just yearn to be part of something where my contribution makes a difference.

With Phoenix a nonstarter I’ve decided to focus the next couple months on trying to set a new 5k PB (17:04), something that I haven’t addressed in over a decade (March 23/07). The workout this evening, 5x800m at 5k pace, was a reintroduction to the track and an opportunity to bring some snap back into the pins. We cooked the opening interval, easing back on the next, but when running by feel on the third brought us to within a second of the first 800 we decided to go with the feeling (2:36, 2:43, 2:37, 2:37 & 2:33). Driving home I was particularly happy with the workout but after reviewing some past performances (here and here), I realize I have my work cut out for me.

Monday: scheduled day off (weights in the morning)
Tuesday: 1:01:32 with 5x800 (2’)

1 comment:

Lawrence said...

Good workout. I'd say those numbers are pretty fine, considering you haven't been to the track for a bit. I'd be happy too!