Tuesday, May 8

Heat training (in the sauna)

I ran with Hicham again today, setting off toward the waterfront only to quickly revised our route as the winds were kicking up something fierce. The weather this year has truly been something else, I don't ever remember a wind warning in May! We looped through BHP, popping out on Circle Drive and making our way through James Bay, sneaking down side streets in an effort to evade the gusts. Once at the southern/eastern end of the peninsula we turned, and with the wind at our backs jogged along the grass toward Fairfield and Oak Bay.

The legs felt good, comfortable, but our pace was pretty relaxed as Hicham is "supposed" to be on another down week, and me, well I'm still recovering from London while trying to train for Ottawa.

Ally & I are off to the pool in a minute, her to swim and me to start some heat training. With Ottawa much more humid then Victoria, and definitely warmer, Bruce recommended logging some sauna time, today, 2x7' with 5' recovery, weird, the way I've just described that makes it sound like a workout. I'm sceptical as to the benefits but not to the point that I won't give it a try, besides, some sauna time should aid with the recovery.

Training: 1:01:43, AHR 139


Lawrence said...

Interesting, but I'd prefer hot tub training.....

Michael said...

... you and me both. Just returned home and I'm cooking, it's no wonder my body takes so long to cool down. The first 7' was easy, I actually thought it wasn't hot enough. But when I went back for #2, woah, after 3', yikes.

Also tried swimming a few laps; eight years is such a long time, almost as long as the 500m I put in.

Chris said...

No I don't want to know - it was a workout pretty much - big hill