Friday, February 16


It really felt like spring out there this morning; the smell in the air has completely changed, it’s much more sweet, the cherry blossoms are pushing out and the temperature is almost balmy. What a difference it makes running at 7 a.m. vs. 6 a.m., it’s much more civilized, but then I’m not working today.

The plan was for an easy 30’, and so I decided to pick back up where I ended last night and head to BHP (I even managed to catch the sunrise). I wanted to see if I could run at a more leisurely pace, taking advantage of morning’s stiff legs, to get a better understanding of my AHR vs. pacing.

7:11, AHR 132 (71%)

I think I ran too fast when I was out of shape?

More on Sunday, we’re off to Galiano again …

Training: 31:01, AHR 127, MAX142


Eric said...

And here I was happy to run in 7F this morning. =)

Spring is closer, but maybe not as close here as it is on the Best Coast of Canada. Enjoy!

Love2Run said...

Careful about getting to boastful about the nice weather or you'll start getting some nasty grumbling noises from the east. I believe in very easy recovery runs too.