Wednesday, March 14


Wow, even with my looses, two T-shirts and gloves, I was ill prepared for the wintry wind this morning. Having just checked the weather, it is 2C with a bitter wind that made it feel like -2C, I’ve made note of this for this afternoons run.

Having to drop Ally off at 5:20 a.m. made it that much easier to get my run in, and no, I’m not going to Maui. And yes, I’m having a difficult time justifying my decision. But with a) me going to London for two weeks next month, b) Ally & I getting married in July and c) the fact that we were in Maui in September makes it a touch easier. I’ve also been looking at the photos from our trip and will be reliving the experience for the next few days.

My motivation has been good the last few days and I feel light on my feet when out running. That said, I’ve been receiving a nagging twinge in my left hamstring for the last few weeks. This is the same hamstring that caused me grief in Sacramento and I’ve decided to book an appointment for some A.R.T.

After work I swung by Frontrunners, saying hello to Jim & Rosheen, and picked up the rest of my adidas kit, Christmas had come early for me! I raced home a dumped the loot onto the bed, it was ridiculous, I didn't know where to start... socks, shorts, technical shirts, more shorts, tights (not to be confused with the above looses), hats and "the" jacket!


So like a young, proud child wearing all his new clothes at once while attending his first day of classes, I put on a new pair of socks, shorts, undershirt and laced up the Supernova Light 6s and headed out to the Park for a structured fartlek workout. Having never worn the shoes before and with the half-marathon this weekend, I wanted to make sure all the systems were compatible. As it turned out, everything was exceptional. Now I just have to take care of my hamstring.

A.M. another easy stroll, 29:47
P.M. 1:02:24 with 4x(2'H, 1'E, 1'H, 30"E, 30"H, 2'E), AHR 138, MAX 162


Thomas said...

Even so, with all your excuses, you're still bonkers.

Anonymous said...

I agree with thomas...

you're bonkers!!!

After living on Oahu for a few years I don't think I could pass up the opportunity to return :-)

Love2Run said...

Dedicated, committed, hard-working, eyes on the prize, and bonkers! But as long as Ally was ok with it, then your good. Take care of the body, only a few weeks left...

Eric said...

How did you come by the adidas sponsorship?

Michael said...

What… my good looks and natural talent aren’t enough?

I have to thank Jim & Carter (in addition to adidas & Frontrunners) for the sponsorship. As both of them are sponsored athletes (Jim because he’s a stink’n fast runner and Carter b/c he’s a talented multi-sport athlete), they approached the adidas rep about our journey to London. The rep thought it was a great idea and would be even better if we were ALL sporting the same kit. It was all luck on my part!