Wednesday, January 17

Asics 2110

I don’t know what prompted me to inquire, perhaps it was my irksome left achilles, but before heading out I asked Ally if she could remember when I bought my most recent pair of shoes.

Nope, we were both a loss.

I picked up the phone and gave my sister a call at Frontrunners. She kindly entertained my question, “October 11th” she replied, “and they should be good for between 500 and 800km”. That was only three months ago, how far could I possibly run in three months? I hurriedly grabbed my training log, fumbling through the pages and roughly calculated my mileage at something just over 1300 km. You can see where this is heading. “I’ll see you in five minutes”, I laughed, hanging up the phone.

Off with the old and on with the new. I jogged down to Frontrunners to find my new shoes waiting for me on the counter. I placed my old shoes in the recycle bin (used shoes donated to the less fortunate) and was off out the door with a quick, “Hello, thanks you, and I’ll see you later”.

On the heals of last night’s effortless performance I shouldn’t have been too shocked with this evenings jaunt. The first 40’ passed by nonchalantly but during the last 17’, my legs grew exponentially heavier every step. There was a thick mist out and I might be able to attribute some of the weight to my tights getting soaked, but unless I was running through mercury, there was only last night’s tempo session to truly blame.

Training: an easy 56:48 on a dark, misty evening with my legs feeling heavy during the last 17’, AHR 132, MAX 148

[Perhaps it’s the lingering snow on the road, but I couldn’t help but notice three sets of Christmas lights]

1 comment:

Chris said...


Ottawa actually looks pretty appealing. I think 2008 for sure. I want to earn the right to go away. I think running another '3' there, I will get buyer's remorse.

'07 will include a low key one here, perhaps in the spring and fall too.